About Brio Resource Technologies

Brio Resource Technologies doesn’t really want you to just exist,

they want you to have a life.”

More Details on Our Services

Brio serves the Nigerian and Sub-Saharan markets in identified sectors via various services segment including:

-    Identifying the technology needs and analysis of proposals for new infrastructure development projects
-    Seek out innovative solutions and technical partnerships
-    Business Case development and feasibility analysis
-    Advise on possible Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) project facilitation in processing of project
-    Source the technology development funds and liaise with financial institutions and other agencies for obtaining financial solutions for new projects.
-    Asset and facilities planning and management
-    Preparation of financial projections for new project to ensure that sufficient and adequate cash resources are sustainable for financing of such projects
-    Deliver technology implementation Master planning
-    Statutory and Strategic planning
-    Facilities management and performing all functions involves in respect of new projects up to the point the project goes into commercial operation and becomes independent.