Our Sectors

Water And Envrionment

Brio specializes in the development and operation of enhanced desalination facilities and industrial water treatment plants.

Working with World class Technology Providers, Brio possesses the experience, in-depth knowledge and technology to partner with Government and private organizations within Nigeria and the Sub-Saharan region, to deliver reliable, sustainable and economical desalination and water treatment solutions on a BOT or BOO basis.  

The company aims to be a leader in providing reliable water source for potable and industrial use, by utilizing proven thermal and membrane technologies from world class OEMs, customized to water sources and customer requirements. 

Brio focuses on providing cutting edge, eco-friendly technology including but not limited to:

  • Ultra filtration
  • SWRO (Sea Water Reverse Osmosis)
  • BWRO (Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis)
  • Zero Liquid Discharge
  • Waste Water Effluent Treatment Plants.

Our goal is to match your industrial and municipal water resource and process needs with optimal solutions that would enable clients derive maximum value, overcome scarcity challenges, enhance environmental regulatory compliance and meet increasing water demands. 



Brio is a pioneer in providing power solutions utilising LPG (Propane and Butane) as well as CNG in Nigeria.

In the face of persistent power shortage due to natural gas supply challenges in the region, the company is focused on assisting municipal and industrial clients meet energy needs by delivering alternative, portable and energy efficient solutions.

The company develops power projects covering:

  • Independent Power Plants (IPP)
  • Captive Power Plants
  • Embedded Power solutions

Brio prides itself in utilizing reliable, advanced power plant technology for Turbines and Recips, from renowned OEMs in Europe and America.

Brio also provides renewable energy solutions especially Solar Plants configured with deep cycle batteries for provision of 24-hour solar electricity in capacities of up to 1-10MW Projects for isolated and off-grid locations. 

The company works in conjunction with USP & E (www.uspeglobal.com) to develop  projects on a Turnkey EPC basis as well as provide Operations and maintenance for the plants. 


Information Technology

Brio is an indigenous Nigerian Information Technology Solutions provider for clients in both public and private sectors

Reliant on its intellectual capacity, business model and world class technical partners, Brio provides clients with sophisticated and diverse delivery options in the infrastructure, solutions, systems integration and networking arena.

Target customer bases includes clients in Financial Services and Retail Market, manufacturing, mining, telecommunications as well as national and municipal government departments and state-owned enterprises.

Technology provided includes:

  • Passports and ID Solutions
  • E-Payment Solutions / Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment Platform (EBPP)
  • Electronic Card Management
  • E-Customs
  • E-Government

Brio provides state-of-the-art security systems, innovative hardware and software applications in partnership with GET Group (www.getgroup.com) a global leader in e-solutions for over 25 years. 


Gas Optimization

Nigeria has over 180tcf of proven gas reserves and a potential 600tcf trapped in non-associated gas fields. Yet the country suffers from an apparent lack of gas supply to installed Thermal Power Plants and industrial layouts. Challenges lie with the gas quality due to inadequate processing capacity and pipeline challenges.

Brio sees an opportunity in providing a service to bridge this gas supply gap by offering cutting edge gas optimization and monetization solutions on a turnkey and BOT basis to gas field owners thereby monetizing otherwise “trapped” resources and extracting value to clients.

Solutions proffered by Brio to clients in the Upstream sector include:

  • Gas “stripping” Plants
  • Gas to Solids (Fertilizer) 
  • Gas to Liquids

These solutions can be provided in modular packages for small and remote gas fields while large scale technologies can be matched to large fields with up to 1tcf of gas and access to coastal logistics.